
Showing posts from June, 2018


Sometimes, the act or significance of something is made graver by being labelled.   Label: a classifying phrase or name applied to a person or thing, especially one that is inaccurate or restrictive. (According to google.) The power of labels is not to be undermined. A married woman who seeks a child may not be so bothered by the fact that she has no offspring borne of her as she would be when she remembers she would be called 'barren' or 'childless'. So while praying she asks God to save her from the shame of being called barren. She is more concerned by the label her 'condition' has brought upon her, than the condition itself. Let me give another example- a woman who has lost her husband is labelled a widow. This connotation evokes pity, it reminds the bearer that she's unfortunate. Don't get me wrong. It's a great misfortune to lose one's husband, and it's unfortunate enough. Giving the 'condition' a label makes it more unfor...