There are two things that can neither be created nor destroyed- God and energy. I'll be discussing the latter. Not really though, but just to aid in teaching against engaging in 'incessant' sex.

I'll be elucidating us, as best as I can on Sex transmutation. That's what this article is mainly about.

Ever noticed how tired you feel after having sex? Mostly mind blowing sex. Oppss..I'm sorry, you're still a fargin. But either ways, you've seen it in movies. Well, that sigh given off is not just caused by tiredness, but is a result of emission. No, not of the cum but of 'energy'. Energy which is not measured in Joules.

Before I continue, let me clarify us on the meaning of Sex Transmutation. According to Napoleon Hill, in his book Think and Grow Rich, "Sex transmutation is simple and easily explained. It means the switching of the mind from thoughts of physical expression, to thoughts of some other nature."
Since energy can neither be created nor destroyed, but can only be converted from one form to another, sexual energy cannot be destroyed too. This is why guys develop blue balls when they are sexually 'frustrated' and do not ejaculate. I hear it's a guy's nightmare- blue balls. What Sex Transmuation basically teaches is converting the energy that could be devoted into thinking about sex and actually having sex into something more creative.

Sex is a very spiritual exercise. Maybe the most spiritual thing humans can engage in. Do not be misguided to think that sex involves just your body. Mba. No. When we engage in sex, we emit and receive energy. Spiritual energy, what some term 'Qi' (research on this). This energy received is carried around for it has become a part of you. So when you have sex with different people, you accept and carry around different energies. The bad thing about this is you do not know what kind of energy (aura in this case) those persons possess. Is it positive or negative? What kind of situation do your partners energies (aura) attract? It also confuses other energies around you because spiritually, you have multiple personalities. This is why Lisa Chase Patterson said, "never sleep with someone you wouldn’t want to be.” Before having sex with someone next time, ask yourself if you want to be like that person.
When you give off energy during sex, it's like giving out a part of yourself. You 'diminish' with each encounter.

Occultists understand the power of sexual energy. This is why most of them engage in sexual activities to harness power, wealth and even life for themselves. It is purely a parasitic relationship- they suck the energy of their host and live, while the host dies. Perhaps the book, 'The Sexual Teachings of the White Tigress: Secrets of the Female Taoist Masters' by Hsi Lai would educate you on how energy is collected and used to the benefit of the collector.

How couples eventually look alike may be explained by the exchange of energy during  sex.

Sex is not just for procreation. Unfortunately, that's the only education about sex we receive. Sex serves therapeutic purposes. It also drives ordinary people into becoming extra-ordinary geniuses when they learn to channel their sexual energy into creative ventures.

There are many people who have practised and still practise Sex Transmuation and have risen to the top in their field of endeavour. Tiger Woods, LeBron James, Russel Simmons are examples. I think some footballers too are usually banned from having sex before a tournament.
Perhaps, for the Old Testament Israelites, abstaining from sex as part of war preparations wasn't only spiritual. It may have served as a motivation for them, for we all know how greatly sex motivates.
The abstinence must have also been a way of rechannelling into war the energy that would have been wasted on the bed.

You may wonder, why sex? Why will I give up having sex or fantasizing about it for something else. Because with sex, you are very creative. Some people have invented styles that should be added to the Kama Sutra in their heads and on the bed. Sex also consumes a lot of energy. Mental, physical, emotional etc. Sex is a force on its own.
So imagine being as creative as you are on the bed in your business or academics. Always setting new heights for yourself and beating them and setting new ones again and beating them, at the same time inventing new ways to achieve your goals.
This is where those with high libido are blessed because since they are always sexually motivated, they could also be always goal oriented in their businesses or academics. That's if they re-channel their sexual energy.

According to Napoleon Hill, "The emotion of sex contains the secret to creative ability. Destroy the sex glands, whether in man or beast, and you have removed the major source of action. For proof of this, observe what happens to any animal after it has been castrated. A bull becomes as docile as a cow after it has been altered sexually. Sex alteration takes out of the male, whether man or beast, all the FIGHT that was in him. Sex alteration of the female has the same effect."

I believe this quote above gives a good summary. The aim of Sex Transmutation is not to kill your sexual drive, instead it's to encourage you to redirect that passion into something else that would count in the future. For the pleasure derived from sex ends just as abruptly as the sex itself ends and the energy committed into it has borne no fruit.

Do well to browse more on Sex Transmutation. You could ask your questions. If I can, I'll answer. Feel free to also contribute in the comments section. Thank you.


  1. Great article here 😘

  2. It was a refreshing read. I'm amazed by your writing skill

  3. And You continue to inspire, I doff my hat.. You have done a great deal of research, and also good articulation of knowledge. ..I owe you one kiss 😘 and I will pay!

  4. How do I practice this please

  5. Great article, Uzo! Always hitting the nail on the head and driving the truth home.
    Two quick questions: there are people who tend to think better and come up with better ideas after sex. Is sex transmutation, then, necessary in this case? Also people who are cranky and easily irritated are sometimes advised to have sex, hence the saying "You need to get laid" and this actually works because they become less irritated and less cranky. Is this sex transmutation? Since they are passing out a negative energy through sex?

    1. Sex clears the head.. Just like you restart a system. Depending on what you have in your head, you may need sex to clear your head or abstain from sex to retain focus .

    2. Sex clears the head.. Just like you restart a system. Depending on what you have in your head, you may need sex to clear your head or abstain from sex to retain focus .

    3. Maybe the scenario of the second question necessitated the sex in the first question. Lol. For the second question, remember sex serves a therapeutic purpose too. People who serve as therapists in this case know how to handle such energy.

    4. Thanks for always reading 😚😚

  6. I'd like to add. What Sex Transmutation teaches isn't a lifetime of 'celebacy', if I may use that word. I think that would be extreme.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Awesome! Awesomely! Awesomeness!

    Ideas where I can channel mine to?
    It's pretty much high. Lol!!!

  9. Awesome! Awesomely! Awesomeness!

    Ideas where I can channel mine to?
    It's pretty much high. Lol!!!

  10. ������


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